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Wireless Approvals ( WPC )

In India, like most other countries, the RF spectrum is considered to be a natural resource. The use of the RF spectrum for “Wireless Communication” is controlled by the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing (WPC) , a body specially created by the Government for this purpose. To be very specific, any wireless transmission less than 3000 GHz and without the use of artificial guide is considered as “Wireless Communication” and is controlled by the WPC. That is to say that wireless transmission at a frequency higher than 3000 GHz (for example Infra- Red communications) is not considered to be “Wireless Communication” as defined by WPC and hence is not controlled by the WPC.

From regulatory point of view, WPC issues licenses for importing (WPC Import License) , selling (WPC - Dealer License) , and using (WPC- End-User License) wireless devices that perform Wireless Communications as defined above. An End-User License may be seen as an exclusive ownership of a particular frequency band for a specified period (usually 2 years) bestowed on the licensee by the WPC for which the WPC charges a license fee. (fee depends on band and application) With the exponential increase in demand and usage of lower power wireless communications devices for everyday use , WPC , from time to time has amended its rules and regulations to match the international market trends in respect of wireless products.

Accordingly WPC has “de-licensed” several frequency bands of the RF spectrum subject to specified emission power limits, that is to say WPC has “released control” on imports, sale and usage of those products that fall into the so-called “de-licensed” category. A separate cell in the WPC issues “Equipment Type Approval” (ETA) for de-licensed products based on the products RF characteristics as evident from accredited test reports from its manufacturer. A product whose frequency band is contained in the de-licensed spectrum, but whose output power exceeds the specified limit is treated as a licensed category wireless product. To summarise, a wireless product can be classified either as de-licensed, or as licensed product.

Requirement for Licensed bands products :

  • End-User License : Required to be obtained by each and every end user
  • Dealer Possession License : Required to be obtained by importer and reseller
  • Import License : Required to be obtained by importer
  • Demo License : Required to be obtained by a DPL holder IF a demo is required

Requirements of RF Report for ETA approval:

  • The model no. and desciption of the sample tested in the test report and that of the applied device must be exactly the same.
  • The manufacturer name in the test report, the issuer of the authorization letter and the applied manufacturer name must be exactly same.
  • Multiple model nos. may be applied for approval ( separately) under a single report, but all of the models have to be mentioned in the report.
  • All the test results as per WPC requirements ( Tx Power, PSD, Bandwidth, Frequency range and Spurious emissions) must be available in the report.
  • The test lab accreditation details and accreditting body's logo must appear in the report and will be verified by WPC from the website of the accreditation body.